All the posts for haig

Lions, Donkeys, or Something Else

9 minutes read

Most of my study on the The (First) World War has focused on the American involvement. Recently, I decided it was time to branch out. Immediately I found an issue absent in the American discussion: Lions & Donkeys, so as is my custom, I dove in. I began reading about Field Marshall Douglas Haig and ended also reading about interactions with Field Marshall John French. To date I’ve read two biographies of Haig.

Leadership and Agreeableness

6 minutes read

I’ve read a lot of material on history, mostly American. When I was younger I tended to focus on the Civil War and World War II. Over the last decade, I’ve refocus on two other conflicts, The American Revolution and The World War (aka: The Great War or World War I). As an adult over the last twenty years, I’ve read a large number of books on The World War, with a focus on the American involvement.